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About WhizzyLabs™

TEAM Works - powered by WhizzyLabs™ - represents a novel and powerful 21st century approach to education in Jamaica. Our programs are designed to inspire a paradigm shift in the system. If widely adopted, TEAM Works programs can change education similarly to how tech startups transform industries.
Jamaica's school system currently has an overwhelming focus on static 20th century rote learning and standardized tests. We lead a pivot towards dynamic 21st century science applications and industry certification...from primary thru secondary schools. 
Ultimately the project concerns national development via mastering basic technology and empowering Jamaicans to work with or create valuable 21st century products
WhizzyLabs™ are dedicated STEM facilities in primary and secondary schools hosting TEAM Works programs. WhizzyLabs will enable 21st century skills and spark innovation among students in the Jamaican school system
Our programs are mainly competition-focused so startup WhizzyLabs are geared for the high tempo build of programmable machines by students. Initially at the high school startup level the labs are equipped for FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) robotics competitions. Primary school startup labs are designed for FIRST Lego League (FLL) robotics contests
Startup Target
WhizzyLabs will develop the technical capacity of students and school teams to compete in annual Jamaica National Robotics contests projected to launch in the 2019-2020 academic year. These competitions are planned to be conducted in Jamaica in association with FIRST. The games and technical requirements  will be identical to equivalent contests in the USA
Deployment Model
TEAM WORKS supplies schools with equipment (where applicable) and technical assistance for orientation of students and admin. Equipment supply is prioritized for qualified schools facing severe resource challenges. Adequately supported schools may purchase required equipment directly from suppliers.
We also design and oversee our STEM competitions along with our partners .
Additional equipment for non-competition or developmental STEM projects may also be provided by TEAM WORKS or can be purchased by the school from commercial suppliers. After a school masters the startup robotics level it may transition to other applications e.g. 3D design or animation. The JC national model WhizzyLab is at the transition stage.

Requirements of WhizzyLab Beneficiary Schools 


  • Provide a secure, dedicated room for the WhizzyLab with suitable internet connections, work stations and storage space. (A sponsor will be sought for internet)

  • Submit to facility and program audits by TEAM WORKS operations personnel

  • Make available 2-3 program managers to be trained in FIRST competition operations 

  • Register program participants in our online database and document their performance

  • Undertake fundraising to sustain the program  

  • Pledge to mentor at least 1 nearby school for future acceptance in the startup program



Expected Outcomes


  • Student excitement for science & technology begins as early as primary level

  • Practical science skills engage all in learning...especially our more at risk boys

  • Construction design & engineering  * Electronics * Software * Critical Thinking

  • Improved workforce with business-ready skills

  • The beginning of a national culture of appreciation for science and product creation



WhizzyLab Startup Infrastructure - Secondary School Level (FTC)

FTC Budget Estimates

FTC Equipment List

WhizzyLab Startup Infrastructure- Primary School Level (FLL)

© 2015 Golden Griffin Society. Web design by Synergy Interactive Media


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